Please read the following general conditions carefully. By accessing this address and any of its pages (hereinafter the "Website") you will be considered as a user and are presumed to accept these General Terms and Conditions. Access to one of the pages of this website may be limited by the laws and provisions of the different jurisdictions of the countries.
The information contained on this website, including that relating to the products and services of Getnet and/or its subsidiaries (hereinafter, in conjunction with Getnet, Getnet Group), is intended for use primarily by individuals, companies, companies, legal persons or any other entity (hereinafter referred to as "persons") resident in Spain or accessing from Spain, Getnet therefore declines all responsibility for the access of persons in jurisdictions where the distribution or use of the products or services contained on the Web could be contrary to the regulations or regulations. Certain products and services may not be available or authorized in all jurisdictions or for all persons.
Getnet has obtained the information and materials included on the Web from sources considered reliable, but while reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information contained therein is correct, Getnet does not guarantee that it is accurate, complete, or up-to-date and, consequently, it should not be relied on as if it were. Getnet
expressly declines any liability for error or omission in the information contained on the pages of this Website.
Getnet reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the Website, the links or the information obtained through it, without prior notice.
In no event shall Getnet, its branches, subsidiaries and/or its administrators, employees and authorized personnel be liable for any damages, losses, claims or expenses of any kind, whether or not arising from the use of the Website, the Information acquired or accessed by or through the Website, computer viruses, operational failures or interruptions in service or transmission, or failures on the line; the use of the Web, both by direct connection, by link or by other means, constitutes a warning to any user that these possibilities may occur.
It is prohibited to transmit or send through the Website any illegal or illegal content, computer viruses, or messages that, in general, affect or violate the rights of the Getnet Group or of third parties.
Grupo Getnet is not responsible for non-proprietary websites accessible through links or any content made available by third parties. Any use of a link or access to a non-proprietary website is done at the sole discretion and risk of the user. Grupo Getnet does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained by or through a link, nor is it liable for any loss, claim or injury arising from the use or misuse of a link, or from the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, Interruption in the service or access, or attempt to use or misuse a link, both when accessing the Web and when accessing the information of other websites from the Web.
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